April 2022
Preparing for life post-school
How do you define a career? I heard a quote recently that became my own personal game changer. It goes “a career no longer refers to a specific job or occupation. [It] includes a lifetime of experiences including life roles,…Read more about Preparing for life post-school

March 2022
Behaviour support at school, 12 months on
Last year I was seriously considering moving my 11-year-old son Eric to a different school. He was struggling with some of the other students’ behaviour towards him in the playground and it was affecting his own behaviour. But my beautiful boy turned to me…Read more about Behaviour support at school, 12 months on

February 2022
Diagnosis and community as a teenage mum
When it comes to my son Charlie, I’m always preparing. No coffee table because he could bang his head. No sitting on the beanbag too long because he could get sores. No sitting on the couch too long or he…Read more about Diagnosis and community as a teenage mum

My 17-year-old autistic son caught COVID
My 17-year-old autistic son with high support needs caught COVID at his causal job on New Year’s Eve. Three days later he had symptoms, a cough, fever and sore throat. I put him to bed and amazingly he slept OK. My…Read more about My 17-year-old autistic son caught COVID

November 2021
The secret to stronger families? Getting the right support
An opinion piece by Melanie Dimmitt My son Arlo is a bright, book-loving five-year-old with a belly chuckle you’ve gotta hear to believe. He was born in very abrupt fashion, by way of an emergency caesarean during which he sustained…Read more about The secret to stronger families? Getting the right support