November 2019
Take the lead and say hello
After a week away enjoying the sun and swimming with our gorgeous girl, it came to my attention that the general public is desperately in need of some guidance around interacting with kids with disabilities and their families!…Read more about Take the lead and say hello

September 2019
Finding a brighter future
At 14 months, my daughter was diagnosed with a global developmental delay. As a parent, your automatic reaction is to try to fix the problem and hope the development delays will pass. But the reality is that you can’t….Read more about Finding a brighter future

August 2019
A great year of kindergarten
This year has been incredible for us, in more ways than one. I gave birth to a healthy baby boy, and my five-year-old son who has special needs attended our local kindergarten service in what has been a wonderful experience….Read more about A great year of kindergarten

Taking it further – speaking up for my child
My teenage daughter loves music, going to concerts and (of course) shopping. …Read more about Taking it further – speaking up for my child

July 2019
The 3 things that helped my children have success at school
I have two boys with disabilities and there are three key things that have helped them have a successful experience at school….Read more about The 3 things that helped my children have success at school