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Our blogs

September 2020

Starting school

Before Ariyan’s first day of Prep, I did a lot of preparation with the school to make sure he would have a great start to his education....Read more about Starting school

ACD Facilitator Chrissy with her son.

August 2020

It’s a marathon, not a sprint – overcoming setbacks at school

Our son Liam’s first year of school was full of ups and downs. As a family, we started with high hopes, but Liam struggled with the transition to school....Read more about It’s a marathon, not a sprint – overcoming setbacks at school

Mother and son playing with paper airplane.

July 2020

NDIS Plan Review in a pandemic

My son’s annual NDIS Plan Review was due in late March. Oh, what brilliant timing!...Read more about NDIS Plan Review in a pandemic

Young boy in power wheelchair by beach huts at the beach.

June 2020

Returning to school after learning from home during COVID-19

With three young boys aged seven, five and four, COVID-19 hasn’t been without its challenges but there have also been some positives. ...Read more about Returning to school after learning from home during COVID-19

A young school boy wearing his back back standing in the school yard.

May 2020

Reflections on telehealth in COVID-19

Four families share the joys and challenges of their first telehealth sessions....Read more about Reflections on telehealth in COVID-19

A mother stands behind her son who is sitting a laptop wearing earphones for a telehealth session.