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NDIS changes

Early intervention for children with developmental delay or disability

If your child is developing differently compared with other children, or has a disability, then early intervention can help your child reach their potential.

Early intervention includes support for families and therapies such as speech therapy and occupational therapy to help your child. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can cover the cost of therapies and equipment that help your child’s development.

The Early Childhood Approach is part of the NDIS. It is specifically for younger children aged 0 to 6. You don’t need a formal diagnosis for your child to get early intervention. You know your child best, and early intervention works in partnership with your family and your child.

To be eligible for the NDIS you need to be an Australian citizen or permanent resident. However, your child can access free early intervention even if you or your child do not meet the residency requirements.

To find out more, contact the NDIS Early Childhood Partner in your local area:


Brotherhood of St Laurence
Call 1300 275 534       
Bayside Peninsula, Brimbank Melton, Hume Moreland, North Eastern Melbourne, Western Melbourne

Link Health and Community
Call 1300 552 509
Inner Eastern Melbourne, Outer Eastern Melbourne


Call 1300 012 293

Call 1300 448 226
Loddon, Goulburn ,Mallee 

Latrobe Community Health Service
Call 1800 242 696
Central Highlands, Wimmera South West

Link Health and Community
Call 1300 552 509
Outer Gippsland, Inner Gippsland

Merri Community Health Service
Call 1300 665 437
Ovens Murray

Read more information and resources about the early years