Updated 15/11/2024
Here is the latest information to support your child and family.
On this page:
- Using your child’s NDIS plan
- Getting started with the NDIS
- Evidence your child is eligible for the NDIS
- Easy Read information
Using your child’s NDIS plan
There are new rules that make it clear what NDIS funding can and can’t be spent on. These are called NDIS supports.
Firstly, don’t panic. Over the next 12 months the NDIS is taking an education approach to helping participants understand how they can use their plan.
Most things that families use their child’s NDIS plan for are all on the list of things you CAN buy.
When you buy things with your child’s NDIS plan they need to be on the list of things you can buy PLUS they must relate to your child’s disability and support their goals.
This includes:
- Support workers
- Allied health therapies, such as speech therapy, occupational therapy and key workers
- Specialist positive behaviour support
- Specialist equipment
- Adaptive products
- Short-term accommodation
- Support coordination
- Plan management
Things you CAN’T buy include:
- Day-to-day living costs e.g. food, rent, clothes
- Standard indoor or outdoor play equipment
- General health, fitness, social or recreational activity costs
- General parenting programs
- Costs associated with early childhood education or school
- Smart phones, smart watches and tablets
Replacement items
There is also a list of items that are called replacement items. This includes smart phones, smart watches and tablets.
You can apply to the NDIS to use your child’s NDIS plan to purchase a replacement item. You will need evidence that the replacement item will be better value and provide better outcomes for your child.
If you buy something that is not an NDIS support
If you make a minor mistake (less than $1,500) and buy something that is not on the list, the NDIS will work with you to understand the rules.
Using registered providers
The government has announced that some providers will need to become registered to continue to provide NDIS supports.
This includes support coordinators, platform providers e.g. Mable, and supporting independent living providers.
There is no timeframe on when these changes will start.
Useful link
Getting started with the NDIS
The access process hasn’t changed and the eligibility criteria for the NDIS remain the same.
For children 0-8 years old
Contact your local NDIS Early Childhood Partner if you have a child with developmental delays or disability from birth to eight years old.
The NDIS Early Childhood Partner will connect you to information and services that can help you and your child.
They can help you to apply for the NDIS.
Children from birth to starting school age who are not permanent residents or Australian citizens can also get help.
Once a child turns six years old, they need a diagnosis to be eligible for the NDIS.
For children nine years and older
Contact your local NDIS Local Area Coordinator if you have a child with disability aged nine years and older.
The NDIS Local Area Coordinator will connect you to information and services that can help you and your child. They can also help you apply for the NDIS.
Useful link
Evidence your child is eligible for the NDIS
Young children who gain access to the NDIS due to developmental delay, need a disability diagnosis by the time they turn 6 years old to continue to be eligible for the NDIS.
There are children aged 7+ who have had plans rolled over without a diagnosis. If you are in this situation, it is a good idea to get a diagnosis as soon as possible. Don’t wait for the plan end date.
The NDIS may contact you to ask for evidence of your child’s disability. It is a good idea to be prepared.
Here is up-to-date information about disabilities that meet the eligibility requirements, and the type of evidence that’s needed.
Useful links
Do you meet the disability requirements? | NDIS
Types of disability evidence | NDIS
Easy Read information
More information
This is general information only.
For specific information about your child’s NDIS plan please contact your Early Childhood Coordinator, Local Area Coordinator or Support Coordinator.
You can contact the NDIS on 1800 800 110