The Disability Royal Commission is an important opportunity to have a say about improving the education of students with disability.
About the Disability Royal Commission
The Disability Royal Commission will look at what should be done to stop people with disability from experiencing violence, abuse neglect and exploitation. It will run for about three years and cover people of all ages.
The Royal Commission will be asking for submissions on specific issues and areas of life that affect people with disability. Some of these will be relevant to children with disability and their families. When these come up, it’s an important opportunity to have your say about how to make things better.
For the latest information visit the Disability Royal Commission website.
Education experiences of students with disability
The Royal Commission has heard from many families about the experiences of students with disability.
While the public hearings have ended, students and families can still share their experiences by making a submission. It can be short or it can be detailed.
The Royal Commission wants to hear about:
- Experiences of violence, abuse, neglect or exclusion of students with disability (including early childhood, schools and tertiary education)
- How to prevent violence, abuse, neglect or exclusion of students with disability
- What stops the reporting or investigating of violence, abuse, neglect or exclusion of students with disability
- Examples of good practice that encourage reporting and effective investigation
- What needs to change to make schools inclusive of students with disability
Sharing your story
A submission sounds like a very formal written document but it’s really just sharing your child’s story and experiences. The Commission wants to hear people’s stories in their own words.
You can ask a support person or advocate to help you prepare your submission.
You can make a submission:
- in writing, over the phone, in a video or audio recording
- in a private session with a Commissioner
- in your preferred language – including Indigenous languages and Auslan
Find out more about how to make a submission.
ACD will be making submissions to the Disability Royal Commission. If you would like us to include your experiences, please contact our CEO Karen Dimmock by email at
Free legal advisory service
You can make a submission without naming your child or their school. If you want to include details of the school or specific staff, you should seek legal advice first.
Disability Royal Commission Legal Service
Free, independent legal service.
Call 1800 771 800
Taking care of yourself
As families of students with disability, it can be deeply distressing and concerning to hear stories of abuse, bullying and exclusion.
If you have any concerns about your child’s safety, you can:
- Speak directly with your child’s teacher
- Raise concerns with the school leadership
- Encourage your child to tell an adult they trust
If you would like support to raise an issue with school, please call our Support Line on 03 9880 7000 or 1800 654 013 (regional), or text 0484 687 494 for a call back.
There is also a phone counselling service for people affected by the Royal Commission. You can call the National Counselling and Referral Service on 1800 421 468.