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"With my child now getting larger and still having accidents, they require a full change and at times a shower. The changing places toilets are a life saver on long trips." - Parent

Accessible outings with Changing Places

23 December 2024

Did you know, there are now 300 Changing Places in Australia, including 135 in Victoria?

Accessible facilities like these give children with high support needs and their carers, families and support workers confidence. They allow families and children to participate in all parts of community life, without having to limit their time out, due to concerns about finding a suitable toilet.

We have collected information here about accessible toilets and facilities, what they are, and where you can find them, so your family can get out and about with confidence.

What are Changing Places?

Changing Places are larger than standard accessible toilets and provide people with disability access to suitable, safe, and private bathroom facilities. Additional features include hoists and a larger than usual changing table, to make days out in the community accessible for everyone.

A map of a Changing Spaces facility. Each facility has a constant-charging ceiling track hoist system, a privacy screen, a centrally located peninsula toilet with space for a carer either side, a height adjustable adult-sized change table, and extra circulation space.

Where can I find Changing Places?

There are Changing Places located throughout Melbourne and Victoria. You can find them using the Changing Places Map.

Using the Changing Places Map, you can find your nearest facility and others across Australia. The map also allows you to search for Changing Places that have showers and are open 24 hours.

How can I access Changing Places?

You usually need a Master Locksmiths Access Key (MLAK), but you can find out which Changing Places don’t require a key by checking the map.

As well as Changing Places, MLAKs give you access to facilities in national parks, elevators at railway stations, accessible toilets that are locked, and even Liberty Swings in playgrounds.

You can apply for an MLAK here.

How can I find other accessible toilets?

If your child doesn’t need a Changing Places, you may still want to know where accessible toilets are located.

The National Public Toilet Map provides an Australia-wide guide to public toilets. You can search for specific features like accessibility, MLAK access, and opening hours.

Find a Changing Place

Apply for an MLAK

National Public Toilet Map

Get out and about with a Travel Pass

Save money with a Carer Card

All-abilities Playgrounds in Melbourne

Inclusive Playgrounds in Regional Victoria

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